Sunday, February 20, 2011

Reason for trip to take place

Reason for trip to take place in hawaii because hawaii has some of the most gorgeous natural scenery on the face of the planet.
Go to fullsize imageWith native orchids growing wild by the roadside, stunning mountainscapes and dramatic black lava coves filled with electric blue water, Hawaii is often referred to as Paradise.
The collective islands of Hawaii are filled with dormant and active volcanoes that are as beautiful as they are interesting. Whether you bike, ride, hike or fly; volcano tours are an exceptional way to enjoy Hawaii.
One of our most tragic and also our most victorious hours came with the surprise attack by Japan on Pearl Harbor in 1941. You can celebrate the valor and honor of our veterans with a visit to this seaport in person and relive the events of this historic place as you view the USS Arizona, still in her final resting place. The monument and museum offer video presentations, displays and actual memorabilia salvaged from the attack. Pearl Harbor continues to be one of Oahu's most popular attractions.Go to fullsize image

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